Company Details

CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company

  • CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company logo
  • CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company Summary

    9/18/13 at 4:31 PM PST Again Scambook has been informed by every representative of CUNA that they only respond directly with their consumers, and not through a third party. However we have sent emails to them again at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to remind them to address the complaints. Scambook has begun the process of contacting the consumer so they can be informed of this. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

    Information about CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company was first submitted to Scambook on Apr 14, 2013. Since then the page has accumulated 1 consumer complaint. On average users reported $119.90 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 16 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Sep 18, 2013.

  • Company Information

  • Address:
    • 5910 Mineral Point Road
    • Madison WI 53705
  • Website:
  • Phone:(608) 238-5851, (608) 665-7897, (608) 347-7048, (800) 356-2644, (800) 834-2617
  • Additional Employees:
    • Lynn Weasner Corporate Compliance Analyst
  • Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion

Company Rating

Company Statistics

  • Complaints Unresolved
  • Unresolved Reported Damage $119.90

Thank you for submitting information suggestions.
We will review your suggestions and update the company profile if necessary.

Recent Activity

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 9/18/2013
  • 9/18/13 at 4:31 PM PST Again Scambook has been informed by every representative of CUNA that they only respond directly with their consumers, and not through a third party. However we have sent emails to them again at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to remind them to address the complaints. Scambook has begun the process of contacting the consumer so they can be informed of this. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 9/10/2013
  • 9/10/13 at 11:48 AM PST CUNA will only respond directly with their consumers, but we still try and initiate contact to begin the resolution process. Follow up emails have again been sent out to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] asking for them to begin the resolution process and explaining the importance of doing so. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 9/4/2013
  • 9/4/13 at 10:38 AM PST Scambook contacted CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to try and make contact to inform them of the complaints posted about them, and to let them know how to contact us to address them. We have been informaed a number of times that CUNA will only respond directly witht heir consumers, but we still try and initiate contact to begin the resolution process. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 8/26/2013
  • 8/26/13 at 3:14 Pm PST Again Scambook has been informed by every representative of CUNA that they only respond directly with their consumers, and not through a third party. However we have sent emails to them again at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to remind them to address the complaints. Scambook has begun the process of contacting the consumer so they can be informed of this. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 8/20/2013
  • 8/20/13 at 4:25 PM PST Scambook has been informed by every representative of CUNA that they only respond directly with their consumers, and not through a third party. However we have sent emails to them again at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to remind them to address the complaints. Scambook has begun the process of contacting the consumer so they can be informed of this. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 8/15/2013
  • 8/15/13 at 2:54 PM PST Scambook called CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Companybut there was only an option to speak with an operator as the office may have been closed. SCambook sent follow up emails to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to re-inform them of the complaints posted and let them know how to address the complaints. Scambook continues to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 8/1/2013
  • 8/1/13 at 9:31 AM PST Scambook contacted CUNA again to find out hwy the complaints haven't been addressed yet. Scambook has tried many times to reach out, but the answer is always that they do not work with third-parties to address complaints. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 8/1/2013
  • 8/1/13 at 9:31 AM PST Scambook contacted CUNA again to find out hwy the complaints haven't been addressed yet. Scambook has tried many times to reach out, but the answer is always that they do not work with third-parties to address complaints. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 7/23/2013
  • 7/23/13 at 5:15 PM PST Scambook called CUNA Mutual Group at (608) 238-5851 and (800) 356-2644 but the offices were closed. Scambook will reach out again and try to contact someone regarding the complaints and begin resolving.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 7/16/2013
  • 7/16/13 Scambook has been informed by every representative of CUNA that they only respond directly with their consumers, and not through a third party. Scambook has begun the process of contacting the consumer so they can be informed of this. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 7/8/2013
  • 7/8/13 at 4:52 PM PST Scambook called CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company at (608) 238-5851 but the office was closed for the day. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 7/2/2013
  • 7/2/13 at 1:59 PM PST Scambook called CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company at (608) 238-5851 and spoke with a rep named Camille who informed us that they will need personal information from the consumer in order to address the complaint. They informed us as well to have the consumer call them directly at 18007795433 and they will be more than happy to help them, but cannot look anything up without the consumers information. Scambook informed Camille that there is a procedure that must be followed to obtain that information. A follow up email was sent to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to inform them about the complaint and how to address it. Scambook will update again as the investigation continues.

  • Scambook
  • Posted on 6/6/2013
  • Company contact information was updated.

  • Ryan
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator Ryan on 6/5/2013
  • 6/5/13 at 4:03 PM PST Scambook emailed CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] to inform them of the complaints posted about them, the damages reported and let them know how to contact us to address the complaints. Scambook will continue to reach out and will update as the investigation continues.

  • Jennifer
  • Posted on 4/26/2013
  • On 04/25/2013 Scambook mailed CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG Life Insurance Company a letter, via Certified Mail, to 5910 Mineral Point Road
    Madison WI 53705
    informing them of complaint(s). We are currently waiting for a reply.

  • sam21
  • Posted by Scambook Investigator sam21 on 4/15/2013
  • Scambook called CUNA Mutual Group regarding the consumer complaint on our site. We were notified that the business will not be accepting any complaints through a 3rd party. An email was sent out and we hope for a response. Scambook will keep everyone updated as the situation unfolds.

  • Scambook
  • Posted on 4/15/2013
  • Company contact information was updated.

  • Scambook
  • Posted on 4/14/2013
  • Company received their first complaint.

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