Company Details

Real Choice Realty Windsor Ltd.

  • Real Choice Realty Windsor Ltd. logo
  • Real Choice Realty Windsor Ltd. Summary

    Scambook Investigator reached out to Mr. Rick Rose via email on 1/4/2013 at 5:29 pm PST informing him of the complaint against him reference #83652. I mentioned in the email the reported damages, date posted, and how to contact me so we can come to a resolution. waiting for reply.

    Information about Real Choice Realty Windsor Ltd. was first submitted to Scambook on Mar 06, 2014. Since then the page has accumulated 1 consumer complaint. On average users reported $4500.00 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 1 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Jan 04, 2013.

  • Company Information

  • Address:
    • 11886 Tecumseh Rd E, Suite 3
    • Tecumseh ON N8N 3C2
  • Website:
  • Phone:(519) 979-1717
  • Additional Employees:
    • Rick Rose
    • Millie Gayne
    • Jill Hanna
    • Carl Idzinski
    • Karen Cowell
  • Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion

Company Rating

Company Statistics

  • Complaints Unresolved
  • Unresolved Reported Damage $4,500.00

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